Revision surgery and Conversion

The revisional bariatric surgery and conversion

it is that which is performed on patients who have already had bariatric surgery prior, and that either by reganancia weight, stagnation or related complication with the initial method require a second or third surgery.
Although it has relatively little time to be made, the studies short-and medium-term that have been conducted have shown excellent results, achieving a weight loss of greater than with the gastric band and the gastroplastía vertical (stomach stapling), and only slightly less than with the gastric bypass, of course, with much lower rate of complications and consequences in the medium and long term than the latter.
The GASTRIC SLEEVE procedure like gastric band surgery is performed by laparoscopy, this is minimally invasive surgery, in which patients have a recovery incredibly fast and usually go out walking to the hospital the next day of the surgery.

In other terms, the revisional bariatric surgery is a special area of bariatric surgery.

It is reintervenir a patient previously operated for the surgery of obesity, due to failure of the bariatric procedure due to a number of causes:

• Bariatric procedure inappropriate for that patient
• Handling insufficient or inadequate patient
• Thinning insufficient
• Thinning excessive
• Complication arising from the first surgery
• In accordance with increasing cases of obesity surgery, there is an increase also of revision surgery bariatric. Surgery review bariatric surgery has a higher rate of complications than surgery that is performed for the first time.

It is also known that the essential factor in the revision surgery bariatric surgery is the surgeon's experience, the number of patients that operate at the year and the infrastructure of the center where you treat your patients. Revision surgery bariatric requires highly trained and specialized teams.

Dr. Edgar Leinó has extensive experience performing surgeries of revision and conversion by video laparoscopy, among the procedures that are performed are:

• Removal of gastric band erosion or rejection
• Conversion of gastric band to gastric bypass
• Conversion of gastric band to gastric sleeve
• Conversion of sleeve gastrectomy to gastric bypass
• Readjust the size of the gastric reservoir in a patient with bypass
• Other types of bariatric surgery review according to each case

Patient testimonials

Our satisfied patients with procedures performed, improving your health and body.

Dr. Bernardo Hernandez

Gastric Sleeve

Yndira Gonzalez

Gastric Sleeve

Leydi White

Gastric Sleeve